Friday, February 8, 2008

My first day in India 2/8/08

Wow what a day... It started as a 21 1/2 hr plane ride followed by an hour car ride to the hotel.
Here are some pictures of the ride from the airport to the hotel.......
 Also on the way, it took so long, our driver fell asleep and Deepak (my work contact) had to wake him.....

After a little nap in the hotel, Deepak took me to "Little Italy" an Italian restaurant. I call it a taste of Italy, Indian style....

It was as I expected, an overwhelming and fulfilling day........


Pete said...

Joe: I couldn't be happier for you! What a plan trip! 21 1/2 hours! Good night! Well it is a long way to India from California. Does your cell phone work over there? Can you speak with the wife and kids everyday?
I was delighted to see the new Post on your Blog. Very nice and good quality pictures too. An Italian Restaurant with an Indian twist. You better like Curry! I used to like it when I first began eatding Indian, but now I am tired of it. Too much of it in San Francisco. But I like the Curry Chicken wings1 That's just about enough for me.
I've put up some new pics from my visit to Key West the other day! We did party way into the night for two days. I am exausted today and have to chill a bit to bone up so I can get out on my bike today. There are lots of things (fairs) to go to today with food art work and bands. And of course to look and talk to the girls!
Well I will promote your Blog on my Blog for all those who know you who are on my list and they can see your "adventure" too. Take care and I will keep up with your Blog!

Peter K. said...

Not to be confused with the previous Pete (hello Pete) - great talking to you on Skype this morning (my time). I'm really glad you decided to keep a blog. Any way you can set it up to allow viewers to enlarge the smaller pictures?

I'm off to breakfast now, but I'll be checking in regularly. Make sure you get rested up for Karen's arrival - somebody needs to be awake to tap your driver on the shoulder now and then.

Good luck with the house-hunt! Talk to you soon.

Peter (K)